Knowing your preferred terms is the best place to start
But many people like to have at least a rough estimate of what their cost will be. Before you begin your quest to find a loan for a boat or RV, it’s important to know what kind of terms you’re looking for. If you don’t know the most favorable terms for you, it becomes more difficult to see when you’ve received less than favorable terms. Try entering the process armed with an idea of what you’d like your monthly payment to be based on the purchase price, desired down payment, and desired interest rate. You’ll be in a much better position to negotiate and obtain loan terms that are closer to what you prefer.
The cost of any loan that you apply for will depend on the type of loan (in this case, a boat or RV loan), the lender you choose, your credit history, and your income.

But how do you go about figuring out what works best for you? The best way to do this is to use an online loan calculator. Most loan calculators allow you to enter the price of the boat or RV you’re purchasing along with your desired down payment, interest rate, and loan length. With that information, the loan calculator will determine the monthly cost of your loan. You’re able to play around with different options to see which terms will work best for your monthly and your long-term budget. From there, you can compare your options and see how different rates and down payments can affect your monthly bill. This is just a friendly tip for when you’re trying other options: the longer the term, the higher the interest rate, and the higher the total interest you’ll be accruing over time.
It’s also a good idea to figure out what your credit situation is like before submitting a credit application. There are plenty of places to go to get your credit report, such as Credit Karma and NerdWallet among others. This way, you can see if you’re ready to submit a credit application based on your credit report. First Approval Source will also be glad to take a phone call from you and advise on how you should proceed.
Once you start seriously shopping for a loan, you now have the information you need to compare loan terms from different lenders with the terms you are looking for. Contact First Approval Source and visit and let us help you find the loan that’s right for you! For more tips on searching for a loan, click here.